• Version 4.00
  • Combined File Size 214 KB
  • Number of Available Files 1
  • Create Date March 26, 2024
  • Last Updated April 19, 2024

XstreamCORE 7600 Software Download Package

Updating firmware for the XstreamCORE from v3.70, or earlier, to any later version requires secure files for each bridge being updated. ATTO will provide these files, as well as clear instructions on the update process. Please contact ATTO Customer Support at +1 (716) 691-1999 or via our web site at https://oem.atto.com/about/contact-atto/ to begin the update process.

Please refer to the Product Release Notes for more detailed information on operating system support as well as specific information about release contents.



Product Release Notes - XstreamCORE 7600 v4.00Download